Web Security Glossary

This pentesting glossary will help you better understand our principal technical terms like pentesting, vulnerability, threat, and also know more about our methodology.

What is a Test?

A test is an action to demonstrate that an application meets the security requirements of its stakeholders.

Who is the Tester ?

The IT expert from the company that has the order to perform the testing activities.

What is a Vulnerability?

A vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation, operation or management that could be exploited to compromise the system’s security objectives.

What is a Threat?

A threat is anything (a malicious external attacker, an internal user, a system instability, etc) that may harm the assets owned by an application (resources of value, such as the data in a database or in the file system) by exploiting a vulnerability.

What is Web Application Security Testing?

A security test is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by methodically validating and verifying the effectiveness of application security controls. Web security testing focuses only on evaluating the security of a web application. The process involves an active analysis of the application for any weaknesses, technical flaws, or vulnerabilities. Any security issues that are found will be presented to the system owner, together with an assessment of the impact, a proposal for mitigation or a technical solution.

What is our testing methodology?

The Nano IT  Web Security Testing method is based on the black box approach. The tester knows nothing or has very little information about the application to be tested. Security testing will never be an exact science where a complete list of all possible issues that should be tested can be defined.

Indeed, security testing is only an appropriate technique for testing the security of web applications under certain circumstances. The goal of web application security testing is to collect all the possible vulnerabilities that threat the security of web applications.

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